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Saint Barnabas' Society and Home started off small and was founded in 1987 by two people who began a ministry of outreach to street sleepers, the poor, and the homeless in the Western districts on Hong Kong Island.
Since 1987, we have visited hundreds of street sleepers. Some live on the streets, some under flyovers or in back alleys. Some are drug addicts, some are alcoholics, and others are mentally ill. We also visit people who live in Wood Partitioned Rooms (WPR), dwellings that house the most vulnerable group of people in our society.

Saint Barnabas’ Society and Home provides a shelter and help to the poor and homeless. By reaching out to them and touching their hearts, we hope that they will experience God’s love.
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me."
Matthew 25:40

Saint Barnabas’ Society and Home started in 1987. We have been reaching out to the poor in the Western District on Hong Kong Island. We minister to the homeless and poor in a practical way and help them integrate back into society.
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